2017 Autumn QTG Pure Polyurea Training Course is Registering
Published:2017-09-09 Source:ShaMu international View:1313
Have you ever heard of the polyurea technology? And you must be motivated by the magic technology and devote yourself to the polyurea career.
However, the brutal reality tells you that not all kinds of polyurea have excellent quality as its original theory. Such as pin hole, pumping, delamination, pulling-off, peeling, gun blockage, crossover, balance-off and leakage, these have driven you mad and full of desperation. This is due to your incognizance of the real expert in this career—
Prof. Weibo. Nowadays,you are perplexed by the issue that which one is the real polyurea, which has a great difference for your project. Hybrid, brushing polyurea and the third generation polyurea will confuse your decision. There will be a course at the core ‘One point application, nine point polyurea’ held by Prof. Weibo, enlightening your project.
We deeply invite you to (Qtech Training Group) and attending this course for polyurea technology, in which there are many successors and spreaders for polyurea technology born of Prof. Weibo. We have been dedicating ourselves to correcting the error in polyurea technology and guarding the quality for everyone in this career.